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Moms For Liberty BURIES 60 Minutes With Receipts After Program Runs Hit Piece on ‘Banning’ Books

Grateful Calvin
By Grateful Calvin 

Let’s start here with the bad news. The legacy media is every bit as manipulative and deceptive as you know they are. We already were aware of that, but Sunday night’s 60 Minutes segment about ‘banning books’ in America put the problem in stark relief once again.

But here’s the good news. Conservatives are onto the game, and they know the corporate media cannot be trusted as far as you could kick them. So, when Moms For Liberty founders Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich agreed to appear on 60 Minutes to talk about the problem of gender ideology in schools, they were prepared.

Justice teased this on Friday, in anticipation of the show’s airing on Sunday evening.

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