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Monkeypox Biowar Smoking Guns?

My “COVID-19 Bio attack Smoking Gun” video with Ron Unz has passed 170,000 views. Since a key COVID-19 bio-attack suspect, Robert Kadlec, is also implicated in the monkeypox monkey business, let’s consider several possible smoking guns—discussed during the first segment of this week’s False Flag Weekly News—casting the monkeypox scare as yet another deliberately staged event emanating from the US wing of the biological warfare community.

The biggest COVID-19 smoking gun, as discussed in the Unz video, is the DIA memo proving US intelligence foreknowledge of the incipient pandemic in Wuhan before the virus could have possibly been noticed by anyone but the perpetrators. As Ron Unz writes in his American Pravda: Our Coronavirus Catastrophe as Biowarfare Blowback? eBook:

It, therefore, appears that elements of the Defense Intelligence Agency were aware of the deadly viral outbreak in Wuhan more than a month before any officials in the Chinese government itself. Unless our intelligence agencies have pioneered the technology of precognition, I think this may have happened for the same reason that arsonists have the earliest knowledge of future fires.



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