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More Concerns and Details about How the Internet of Bodies (IoB) Will Literally Connect You to the Internet

By B.N. Frank

Privacy and security experts have been warning about Internet of Things (IoT) technology for many years and continue to do so (see 1234).  Internet of Bodies (IoB) technology falls under the IoT umbrella and it is currently unregulated.

For those who aren’t familiar with what IoT entails, an excellent description has been provided on the Whatis5G.Info website:

The Internet of Things (IoT), as being marketed and sold to the public, is a vision of connecting every “thing” possible to the Internet – all machines, appliances, objects, devices, animalsinsects and even our brains. In addition, the IoT will include artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR)virtual reality (VR), robotsmicrochipped humans, and augmented humans (humans with some form of technology implanted or integrated into their biology to “enhance” human characteristics or capabilities). IoT sensors and surveillance cameras will pepper our communities as well. New IoT cyber physical systems will render all objects “smart” – i.e. connected to the Cloud – thus enabling pervasive machine-to-machine (M2M) communications and massive data collection and leaving us open to devastating cyber attacks.

In November, Activist Post reported about a law review article which revealed legal and social issues associated with both IoB and IoT technology.  Additional scary details and pictures were provided in an article published by Truth UnMuted:

The Internet of Bodies (IoB) and Hacking Your DNA

How Implantable Devices Will Connect Your Body to the InternetThe Internet of Bodies Report by RAND Corporation

The age of the Internet of Things (IoT), and soon to follow the Internet of Bodies (IoB), is now upon us.

The RAND Corporation, the think tank behind some of the world’s most influential and frightening ideas and technologies, has released a report titled The Internet of Bodies: Opportunities, Risks, and Governance.

You should be wary of any reports issued by the RAND Corporation. Alex Abella, author of Soldiers of Reason: The RAND Corporation and the Rise of American Empire, explains why:

RAND was, and is, the essential establishment organization. Throughout its history, RAND has been at the heart of that interweaving of Pentagon concupiscence and financial rapacity that President Eisenhower aimed to call the military-industrial-legislative complex. RAND has literally reshaped the modern world—and very few know it.

With this understanding, there is much cause for alarm with the issuance of this new report.

What is the Internet of Bodies (IoB)?

RAND defines the IoB as “a growing industry of devices that monitor the human body, collect health and other personal information, and transmit that data over the Internet.” In order to qualify as an IoB device, the technology must:

  • contain software or computing capabilities
  • be able to communicate with an Internet-connected device or network

An IoB device must also satisfy one or both of the following:

  • collect person-generated health or biometric data
  • be able to alter the human body’s function

The technology that Hollywood has presented over the years in dystopian sci-fi fantasies is now a reality. In the very near future, the technocratic overlords of science, health, finance, and Big Tech desire humanity to go from wearable devices to devices embedded within our bodies.

How IoB intersects with IoT



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