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More than 30M Illegals Taking U.S. Jobs, Outpace Growth of Native-Born Americans

‘… while almost 950,000 native-born Americans have left the U.S. workforce over the last year, nearly 1.2 million American jobs have gone to non-Americans…’

A recent report from Pew Research has revealed a stark reality: the American job market is now a battleground for working—and middle-class Americans, who are competing against a massive influx of over 30 million legal immigrants, visa workers, and illegal aliens.

The latest from the Pew Research Center indicated that as of 2022, more than 30 million legal immigrants and illegal aliens were in the United States and holding American jobs, which is a 20% increase over the last 15 years.

More specifically, as of 2022, the number of legal immigrants holding American jobs has increased by almost 30% since 2007.

At the same time, during the same 15-year period, the number of native-born Americans added to the United States workforce has increased by less than 10%.

The data indicated that the federal government has used mass immigration as a labor policy to fill the American workforce with millions of newly arrived non-Americans that working- and middle-class Americans are forced to compete against in the job market.

Breitbart reported that this trend became very prominent under the Biden administration, which allowed many illegals to invade this country both from the northern and southern borders.

If Kamala Harris becomes president of the United States, the situation will only worsen since she was responsible for maintaining American borders under the Biden administration…


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