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More Than Half Of China’s Provinces Are Now ‘Rationing’ Electricity, Governors Demand More Coal Imports To Resolve Crisis

More Than Half Of China's Provinces Are Now 'Rationing' Electricity, Governors Demand More Coal Imports To Resolve Crisis
More Than Half Of China’s Provinces Are Now ‘Rationing’ Electricity, Governors Demand More Coal Imports To Resolve Crisis

By Tyler Durden

At least 20 Chinese provinces and regions making up more than 66% of the country’s GDP have announced some form of power cuts. Guangdong province, the southern industrial hub, is cutting ~10% of its peak power demand…

And as the severe power crunch hits major industrial hubs in China’s northeastern heartland, top political leaders face mounting pressure from businesses and citizens to solve the crisis through increasing coal imports to keep the lights on and factories humming. 

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