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MSNBC Legal Analyst and Law Professor Blames America’s ‘Deep Commitment to Free Speech’ for Disinfo Epidemic

By Shane Trejo

A University of Michigan law professor is lamenting America’s “deep commitment to free speech” for supposed misinformation circulating that is causing more people to question the government.

Barbara McQuade, who also serves as an MSNBC legal analyst, appeared on “The Rachel Maddow Show” to promote her new book, “Attack from Within: How Disinformation is Sabotaging America.” Her book is described on Amazon as “an urgent, comprehensive explanation of the ways disinformation is impacting democracy, and practical solutions that can be pursued to strengthen the public, media, and truth-based politics,” and received a ringing endorsement from former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder.

“I hope that by dissecting [disinformation], explaining it, and educating the public, we can all see disinformation for what it is so that we can begin to push back against it,” McQuade said.

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