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MSNBC: White People Are Too Stupid to Understand Will Smith’s Slap

By Robert Spencer


Remember the days when racism was bad?

Remember the days when racism was bad? Those days are long gone, baby, unless you hold to the currently fashionable fiction that only white people can be racist at all. If, on the other hand, you still live in the real world, you know that everyone can be racist, and that racism is making a strong comeback in American society today. That’s not because Bull Connor has unleashed his dogs once again and Lester Maddox is back waving his axe handle; instead, it’s because it has become acceptable in woke culture to bash white people in ways that, if any other group were being discussed in the same terms, would ruin careers and shut down networks. But racism against white folks is not just acceptable today; it’s a sure-fire means of career advancement.

On MSNBC’s The Cross Connection on Sunday, the show’s host, Tiffany Cross, asserted that white people didn’t understand why black people were telling them not to comment upon Will Smith’s still-resounding slap of Chris Rock in front at the Oscars last week. Her guest, TheGrio columnist Michael Harriot, then claimed that it was “hard to explain to a white person what’s the difference between an open-handed slap and a punch.”

Oh, pick me, sir! Pick me! An open-handed slap is, well, uh, a slap with the open hand, and a punch is delivered with the closed fist. The slap is generally considered to be a gesture of profound contempt, but somewhat less aggressive than a punch. Now, I’m white and all that, and I’m heartily sorry for that, but was my answer correct?



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