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MSNBC’s Joy Reid Puts Up Defense for Inappropriate Book in Schools, Guest Obliterates Her on Live TV



One of the most disturbing developments to come out of the progressive movement is their gung-ho attitude toward the sexualization of young children and their desire to groom them to accept sexual deviancy in a variety of forms as normal behavior. We’ve heard countless stories about schools aiding minors in defying parents by helping them socially transition to a different gender without informing them about it..

There have also been incidents where schools have allowed kids who claim to be transgender — individuals who are too young to vote, buy cigarettes, drink a beer, or join the military — to procure hormone therapies and even gender reassignment surgery. Many of these children will go on to regret getting the life-altering surgeries, realizing in time they were victims of falling for a social contagion and not legitimately suffering from gender dysphoria.

All the while, people like MSNBC host Joy Reid are championing the exposure of children to perverse, inappropriate materials in school libraries and classrooms. In fact, during a recent episode of her program — who actually watches this stuff? — Reid attempted to offer a defense for why these books should be available, only to be smacked back to reality by a guest appearing on the show.

Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice conducted an interview with Reid last Friday, where she was asked by the host why she wanted to see books such as “All Boys Aren’t Blue” removed from public school libraries.

Justice essentially stated the material should be yanked from school library shelves due to containing rape, pedophilia, sex toys, and incest. Why is any of this featured in a book designed for minors? What reasoning could there possibly be for children to learn about sex toys? This is clearly grooming behavior.

The interview kicked off with Reid cuing up a clip of Justice explaining that parental rights involves “directing the upbringing of their children,” which includes “their values, education, their morals, their religious and character training.”

Reid asked her guest if she still upheld this particular definition of the term.

“Yes, it’s a God-given right to direct the upbringing of your children,” Justice replied. At this point, you can see the excitement in Reid’s eyes, believing she has a “got ya” moment.

“Do LGBTQ parents and parents of LGBT kids, do they have parental rights?” she asked Justice.

“Every parent,” Justice said. “Every parent has the fundamental right to direct the upbringing of their kids.”

Clearly, this was not the answer that Reid was expecting. It derailed her whole strategy, thus, she moved on to an entirely different point. Reid then brought up a report published by the Washington Post in May of last year that discovered over a thousand book challenges for the 2021-22 school year, the majority of which were allegedly filed by 11 people, with each individual filing 10 or more challenges.

A report that was published by the Tampa Bay Times found that only two people, a dad and a high school teacher, filed a total of 600 complaints out of a total of 1,100.

“Why should 13 people get to decide what books tens of thousands of children get to read?” Reid asked during the segment.

“Well, I’m thinking it’s probably because those 13 people saw what some of the content was in the books,” Justice fired back. “Explicit, graphic sexual content — and I’m happy to talk about some of that content if you would like to.”

Reid decided to keep pushing, a decision she probably regretted later…


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