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MTG drags RINOs who dragged Biden’s bipartisan-OPPOSED infrastructure over finish, praises AOC, Tlaib for ‘BALLS’

by Fred T

The bill the press has been bragging is bipartisan was dragged across the finish line late last night, and it was, as they say, a bipartisan vote. There were Democrats and Republicans OPPOSING it. There were also Democrats and RINOs who voted for the massive spending.

Democrats reached an agreement between moderates and progressives to pass this bill and then the other spending bill, so whoopdeedoo, great job enabling that, Republicans.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene called out the (R) yes votes in a tweet, comparing them UNFAVORABLY to AOC and The Squad who continued their opposition (albeit for the opposite reason a Republican should have been a “no”.)

This spending spree is very little to do with actual infrastructure and will damage the economy. Here’s just one example of how.

Republicans helped foist this on us AND seal a deal among Democrats on MORE spending to come. Unbelievable (but totally believable.)


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