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Muslim Leaders in Swing States Go National With Effort vs. Biden in 2024 Election Over Support for Israel

By Ward Clark


On Saturday, a coalition of Muslim leaders in swing states announced they are stepping up their efforts to make sure Joe Biden (assuming he’s the Democrat candidate, which is anything but certain) loses the 2024 presidential election. Why? Because he supports Israel.

The #AbandonBiden campaign officially began earlier in December, led by Muslim leaders in swing states like Michigan, Minnesota and Arizona, who disapproved of Biden’s support for Israel’s counterattacks against Hamas. The counterattacks have come at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinian lives.

Now, the coalition intends to expand the pressure campaign to all 50 states.

“We will save America from itself, by punishing Biden at the ballot box,” said lead organizer Jaylani Hussein in a statement.

Self-awareness rating: Zero.

Honestly, the chutzpah of these people (yes, my use of a Yiddish term was deliberate) thinking that they could “save America from itself.” Plenty of Americans feel differently, including your humble correspondent; honestly, the least of the current GOP field would be preferable to another term of Joe Biden, or even one term of his understudy.

The group isn’t completely obtuse; they do understand our two-party system, and that their efforts may well help elect a GOP candidate.

“There is a likelihood that our votes may weaken the Democrats that the Republicans may win,” Hussein said. “We’re not fools about that.”

The #AbandonBiden campaign is willing to take that risk, he said: “We will risk an unknown four years of Trump.”

You’ve likely heard the phrase, “Politics make strange bedfellows.” The idea that a Muslim activist group may well campaign to help Donald Trump regain the White House – or to see Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley elected – well, those are strange bedfellows indeed. Not only are the #AbandonBiden campaign members working in unintentional alliance with the GOP, but they are also adding to the woes of Democrats, who are already worried about third-party challenges to the incumbent…



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