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Natural disasters are killing China’s food supply at breakneck speed

By Ethanh

Communist China is facing a food crisis like perhaps never before, thanks to a barrage of natural disasters that just will not relent. While some areas of the country are being drenched with rain, others are dealing with extreme drought conditions. Then there are the locusts and armyworms, which are destroying what remains. The situation appears so extreme that Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua recently asked the governors of every Chinese province to ensure that their agricultural crops survive at all costs. During a recent food security meeting, Hu threatened punishment against governors who fail to uphold an oath they were forced to swear that basically says they will not allow crop yields to in any way be reduced this year. But this would seem to be an impossibility based on what China is facing. If rice crops are being destroyed by too much water and wheat crops are shriveling up and dying due to dehydration, there is not much that any human can do other than cry out to God for help. However, since communist China does now allow anyone to even acknowledge the existence of God, let alone worship him, the Chinese are on their own to simply hope for the best – and to import as much food from elsewhere as they can possibly get their hands on. According to reports, China is planning to import a total of six metric tons of wheat between June 2020 and May 2021, a seven-year record. China also recently pulled in literal boatloads of corn from the United States, as its own crops are being destroyed by various combinations of drought, flooding and pestilence.

Is China’s suffering a biblical event?

That China is currently facing three serious threats to its food supply all at the same time suggests some type of supernatural event taking place. Having both extreme drought and flood conditions even without the pests is ominous all on its own, and a true rarity. The extent of what this all means for China remains to be seen, as the nation is still working to salvage whatever it can from the crops it still has. Every major grain, however, is seeing record declines in output due to this triage of disaster that continues unabated. “The early rice in our province was ruined before harvest,” stated a man by the name of Mr. Li to The Epoch Times. Rice is planted at three different times in China, and all three crop cycles have been ruined by the unprecedented flooding that has occurred in China’s rice-growing regions. “The mid-season rice was destroyed by the floods. Now it’s too late to plant the late rice.” In China’s wheat-producing regions, a persistent lack of rain has caused many wheat crops to simply dry up and die. Not only is the quality of wheat this year substandard compared to last, but reports indicate that China is already facing an up to 30 percent loss in this year’s crops. More than 50 percent of Inner Mongolia’s agricultural land has suffered heavy droughts so far this year. This region grows not just wheat but also soybeans and corn. “I’m 50 years old,” one farmer from Yuzhong city, Gansu, told China’s state-run media outlet Xinhua. “I had never seen a drought like this year.” A circulating video that was posted by a wheat farmer in China showed crops so damaged that they already appeared to have been harvested. In reality, these crops had actually died due to lack of water. “You think this yellow color is harvested [wheat]?” the farmer is seen asking in Chinese. “They all died. Our farmers have no harvest at all this year.”


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