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NBC News: Russia’s 2024 Election Interference Has Already Begun

By Brett T.

Apparently, the Russians didn’t interfere in the 2020 election, which garnered an unheard-of 81 million votes for Joe Biden. As the editor reported, CBS News’ Major Garrett even wrote a book about, saying the 2020 election was”‘the greatest success of American democracy in history.” 2016 was rigged by the Russians for Donald Trump, but what about 2024? Vladimir Putin is already trying to interfere in our election because Putin has already said outright that he hopes Biden gets a second term: “He is a more experienced, predictable person, an old-school politician,” Putin said in an interview.

With Putin’s recent endorsement of Biden, NBC News decided to investigate Russian interference in the 2024 election. What is Putin planning to put Biden back in the White House?

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