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New Bipartisan Bill Aims To Stop Real Life AI Terminator

 Vince Quill

Those familiar with the Cold War know that it was human operators that circumvented and avoided several computer-ordered nuclear launches on both sides.

The lesson here is clear: computers cannot be trusted to handle our most destructive weaponry. 

Artificial Intelligence is no different in this regard—it may be better, it may be faster, it may be smarter, but it still has its faults, and I suspect it will always have faults and lapses in judgment.

A new, bipartisan bill from lawmakers titled “The Block Nuclear Launch by Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Act” aims to address some of those critical flaws and the impact of handing our security over entirely to silicate-based intelligence.

Introduced by Senators Merkley, Ted Lieu, Ken Buck, and Markey, the bill aims to stop the automation and full control of our nuclear arsenal by artificial intelligence or other silicate-based forms of intelligence.

Here’s what we currently know:


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