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New Deep State Narrative – We’re Protecting You From Trump

It has been almost three years now that Democrats and senior federal government officials have been ridiculing the suspicion that a deep state exists – a shadow government, if you will – working behind the scenes to enact its own agenda, protected from public scrutiny. Many conservatives and especially loyal supporters of President Donald Trump have accused this cabal of working to undermine or even destroy the 45th president.

Only somewhat recently has the narrative begun to change. Rather than refusing, with a roll of the eyes and a sardonic smile, to acknowledge the existence of the deep state, the president’s political enemies are beginning to quietly admit that it exists. Not that these people are conceding to the right: Rather, they now suggest that influential people are quietly toiling away to protect the nation and the Constitution itself from the assaults and abuses of a rogue president.

Why The Deep State Hates Trump

Love Trump or hate him, there is no denying that his presence in the White House has turned Washington on its head. Politicians and unelected bureaucrats alike had a good thing going until January 2016. Lobbyists were buying legislation, vice presidents were setting up their otherwise useless kids with sweetheart business deals, the FBI was spying on whomever it wished – particularly those whose politics it didn’t care for – and everyone was growing fat on taxpayer dollars. The deep state was already there and its job was to preserve this status quo.


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