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NEW! Demonic Chemtrails Exposed!

 NEW! Demonic Chemtrails Exposed!
NEW! Demonic Chemtrails Exposed!

By Aliens Revealed


I recall watching a video years ago concerning “chemtrails” and how the government is spraying the population with chemicals. I couldn’t believe that the chemtrail phenomenon could be happening on such a massive scale. After the video I became more aware of the chemtrails throughout the sky in my own city. Day after day I would observe the streaks of white spray coming from the planes on a constant basis. The plane would leave a line of white “cloud” behind it across the blue sky. Then more planes would be spray the sky until it looked like a grid pattern. I observed how the spray seemed to block out the sun. Over time the spray would expand until the clear blue sky was not clear anymore. The bright blue sunny day would become overcast with clouds from the spray.

Chemtrails Exposed

The conspiracy theory behind the chemtrails was normally weather modification or the depopulation agenda; or both. My first thoughts were that this must be costing the governments of the world trillions upon trillions of dollars to spread chemicals from planes on a daily basis. The logistics alone would be so staggering it would be impossible to fathom. I had many questions: Why are the planes always so far away you can hardly see them? Why don’t you see them landing at any airports? Why is most of the general population oblivious to this phenomenon? Why are pilots not talking about this? Why are people not enraged by these planes polluting our sky when I could receive a fine for idling my vehicle for too long?

Personally, I found it extremely disheartening when I realized that these planes were spraying in my area just as I had seen in the videos online. I felt so helpless. We were all victims and there was nothing we could do about it. Or was there…


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