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New Film ‘Art Club’ Exposes Schools Luring Children Into Gender Madness

Children across the country are being recruited into transgenderism and the “LGBT” movement by trained operatives in government schools at an alarming rate, but one family victimized by the effort is fighting back hard. Erin Lee, the mother, is on a mission to protect other little girls from the horrors that her family endured.

Using a powerful new documentary that blows the lid off the scandal, the Lee family is sharing the story of what happened to their daughter at age 12. She was asked to stay for “Art Club.” But it was not really art club. It was actually a Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) club run by a woman who specialized in confusing children about their gender.

During the “Art Club” session, child victims were told that if they did not feel comfortable in their own bodies, that might mean they are “transgender.” The children were also told that their parents may not be “safe” and might not be willing to “affirm” their new gender identities. As such, the minors were encouraged to lie to their parents.

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