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New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu Signs Bill Banning Late-Term Abortion, Teaching Inherent Racism

by Dr. Susan Berry

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R) signed a budget bill Friday, which includes bans on abortions after 24 weeks and teaching that individuals are inherently racist due to their skin color.

Sununu signed a $13.5 billion biennium budget bill and a trailer bill (HB 1 and HB 2).

“Historic tax cuts, property tax relief, and Paid Family Medical Leave delivered all in one sweeping action is a win for every citizen and family in this state,” the governor said in a simple statement that did not mention the non-financial issues which have been the subject of much debate.

The new law contains the Fetal Life Protection Act, which bans abortions after 24 weeks of pregnancy and serves as New Hampshire’s first ban on late-term abortion.

The pro-life and pro-family Cornerstone Action explained the significance of the 24-week ban:

At a time when other states are legalizing abortion up to birth, the Granite State has boldly gone in the opposite direction and rejected its longstanding commitment to pro-abortion absolutism. In fact, New Hampshire has just become the first state in the country to go from allowing abortion up to birth to passing a late-term abortion ban.

“This is, from my history in this state, unprecedented, that in the ‘Live Free or Die’ state, we would see an extreme legislative position to try and control women’s bodies, to get between women and their health care provider,” U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), who backs abortion rights at any time during pregnancy, said in a statement:

Planned Parenthood New England also referred in a statement to the 24-week abortion ban as “extreme,” adding that Sununu “signed the most regressive anti-reproductive health care budget in New Hampshire history, ignoring public opinion and opposition from more than 200 of the state’s leading medical experts.”

House Democrat Leader Renny Cushing expressed disappointment in the legislation, stating it is “forcing right-wing ideology on the people of New Hampshire,” reported InDepthNH.

State House Majority Leader Jason Osborne (R), focused on tax cuts, the school voucher plan, and the ban on teaching the tenets associated with Critical Race Theory.

“This transformational budget delivered a $170 million total cut from every tax on the books while still funding our state’s needs,” he said in a statement.

“We empowered families to find the best fit for their child’s educational needs, passed some needed reform to the governor’s emergency powers, and put an end to teaching the unfounded idea that an individual is inherently racist simply due to the color of their skin,” Osborne added. “We delivered a $100 million statewide property tax cut, giving our residents direct relief.”


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One Comment

  1. Donna Kearns Donna Kearns June 28, 2021

    The budget cuts and school choice are awesome. However, what was Governor Sununu thinking when he signed a bill requiring women to submit to an invasive procedure to prove the gestational age of the fetus in order to be able to get an abortion? This is not something New Hampshire government should be involved in. Only a women has the right to make a decision regarding her body, perhaps in conjunction with her physician, but ultimately it is her right to choose. I am not in favor of late term abortion but I do not believe the government should be involved in restricting a women’s right to make the decision to seek an abortion. Forcing the moral decisions of the government on a pregnant women is just wrong. Governor Sununu, do you understand you are governing the state with the “Live Free or Die” motto? What were you thinking?

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