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New Regimes R Us – Ukraine And Venezuela Up For New World Order Destabilisation?

By Arthur Foxake


“Journalism is reporting news somebody does not want reported, everything else is public relations.” – George Orwell

First it happened in Egypt (and we all know what happened there), Tunisia (a less well publicised failed state) and Libya. Then it all went a bit pear shaped in Yemen and Syria. Now it’s happening in Ukraine and Venezuela. The Global Totalitarian Government pushers, their puppets in Washington, London, Berlin and Paris, their pimps in Goldman Sachs, Citibank, HSBC, J P Morgan et al and the ponces of the United Nations, IMF, EU, OECD and the rest are trying to crush legitimate governments that dared to stand up to the New World Order and its corporate dictatorship agenda.

Fears are growing among the terrorism sponsors of the FUKUS axis that once again chaos will result from their efforts to depose a regime in order to usher in a pseduo-liberal sockpuppetocracy that will prioritize gay and lesbian “rights” over taking action to prevent the rape of their nation by global banks and corporate conglomerates. It looks increasingly likely that US / EU supported rebels who were primed to drag Ukraine into the European Union (EUSSR) against the wishes of half the Ukrainian population will fail and Ukraine will split in two as crisis deepens in Kiev.

Rebels who support Ukrainian membership of the EU seized the office President Viktor Yanukovych in Kiev over the weekend and put in place an interim President and Government that has no legitimate authority and includes people from extreme left anarchist and right wing neo Nazi groups.



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