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New Trump Sniper Evidence | Full Analysis

By Noah


We have a TON of new information coming in today about what happened with that sniper.

While I’ve already covered a lot of it (bookmark: I came across this video from my friend Kevin Paffrath (MeetKevin on YouTube) and it’s thee best breakdown I’ve seen anywhere.

So I wanted to share it with you.

It’s crazy that a finance YouTuber is giving this story better coverage than almost all of the “Legacy Media” combined, but he is.

And of course he’s much more than just a “finance YouTuber” but that’s how most people know him.

So please enjoy:

Full transcript here if reading is easier:

You don’t have that position secured. That’s inexcusable. I used to be a SWAT medic, one of the first SWAT medics in the United States. I can tell you that we would start practicing sniping against terrorists at 100 yards, and we would shoot at balloons. That’s not a hard shot at all. Within 130 yards, from an elevated position with a clear line to the president, and nobody is safeguarding that building. That’s inexcusable. Anyone who has called this former president an existential threat has blood on their hands, and that’s President Biden…


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