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New World Order Plans to Reorganize the World

The world took a giant step toward the Global Government of Antichrist when the United Nations was established in 1945. Do not be deceived, the United Nations is his government once he makes his planned appearance. However, the United Nations was created with little power over the 170+ sovereign nations of the world; too many times, a small nation resisted the will of the United Nations. If the United Nations is to rule with an iron hand of a dictator, as was the Plan, the power of sovereign nations had to be eliminated, a task that has never been accomplished since the destruction of the Tower Of Babel Government 5,000 years ago.

In 1974, a New World Order book was printed, called Mankind At The Turning Point in which the authors unveiled a new part of the Plan to establish dictatorial global government. This Plan called for the sovereign nations of the world to be reestablished into 10 supranational regional governments, reorganized initially as economic nations. Each of these 10 regional governments will be led by an individual ruler, each of which will ultimately report to the U.N. These 10 regional governments are listed below.

Super Nations Date Created

1. North America 1-1-94

2. Western Europe 12-31-92

3. Japan ———–

4. Australia, South Africa, and the rest of the

market economy of the developed world circa Mid-Nov, 1993

5. Eastern Europe, including Russia circa 12-1-94

6. Latin America circa 12-10-94

7. North Africa and the Middle East PLO Accord 9-93??

8. Tropical Africa circa Mid-Nov, 1993

9. South and Southeast Asia circa Mid-Nov, 1993

10. China ————–

1. Super Nations #1, #4, #8, #9

#1 — North America (Canada, The United States, and Mexico) Known as NAFTA

The creation of the economic entity was accomplished in the form of the North American Free trade Economic Union (NAFTA for short). President Bush led the effort to create this economic nation. After his election, President Clinton firmly pushed for a Congressional vote creating NAFTA. Congress created NAFTA in November, 1993.

On the very next day, Former President George Bush arrived in Taiwan to chair an economic conference of Southeast Asian Countries. I believe Nation #9 was created at this meeting.

Simultaneously, President Clinton traveled to Seattle, Washington, to chair an economic meeting with Pacific Rim nations, such as Australia and New Zealand, among others. I believe this was when Nation #4 was created. I did not see whether south Africa was present at this meeting; however, I have long believed that it made more sense to include South Africa with the Tropical Africa (Nation #8) than it did to include it with Nation #4; it is possible that the leaders of the New World Order have changed their plans at this point.

2. Super Nation #2 — Western Europe

Western Europe has now completed nearly full Economic Union. All details of their union were completed by June, 1992. At this time, all European nations relinquished their economic sovereignty to the Economic Community; once economic sovereignty is relinquished, political sovereignty will easily follow. In fact, this is the Plan for the formation of all these 10 super nations. First establish the nation along economic lines, temporarily leaving the political apparatus untouched, knowing that, later, the political lines can be redrawn to match the economic lines.

Western Europe became one economic country on December 31, 1992, thus creating Nation #2.

3. Super Nation #3 — Japan

Japan is already established and a nation, requiring no further action for her to be part of this World Reorganization Plan.

4. Super Nation #5 — Eastern Europe, Including Russia

On December 1, 1994, the U.S. Senate approved the GATT agreement, after the House of Representatives had approved it just two days prior. GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trades) was the final step in creating the global economy under which this 10-Nation Reorganization Plan can economically succeed.

On December 4, President Clinton traveled to the Eastern European capitol, Belgrade, Bulgaria, to chair an economic summit. Russian President Yeltsin was there, as were the leaders of the Eastern European nation. I believe this is when Nation #5 was created.

Most interestingly, this Super Nation #5 Plan specifies that only Russia, of the former U.S.S.R., was to be joined to Eastern Europe. Thus, this Plan takes into account the breakup of the U.S.S.R., right? Wrong! This Plan was created and published in 1972, when the U.S.S.R. was a full superpower! Remember, the U.S.S.R. . broke up from 1989-1992. So, this Plan to reorganize the world into 10 Super Nations was publicly published a full 20 years before the U.S.S.R. actually broke up.

If there are any of you who still believe the breakup of the U.S.S.R. occurred because of historic forces, you must know think again. This Plan envisioned that the U.S.S.R. would be broken apart; therefore, the breakup occurred as a result of adhering to

this Plan! In other words, this historically unprecedented breakup was staged!! But we cover this subject in more depth later in our seminar.

6. Super Nation #6 — Latin America

On December 9, 1994, President Clinton traveled to South America to chair an economic meeting with the leaders of all nations south of Mexico. This is where Super Nation #6 was created.

7. Super Nation #7 — North Africa and the Middle East

New World Order leaders have conducted the most intensive diplomatic effort directed toward the Middle East in the past 30 years than any place on earth. I believe the first major step toward the creation of Nation #7 occurred during the Administration of President Jimmy Carter, when Egypt and Israel signed their Peace Accord. Very little more occurred until mid-1993, when the conservative Likud Party in Israel lost the election to the more liberal Labor Party. Once Prime Minister Rabin was installed, the stage was set for a concerted effort to complete the creation of Super Nation #7, one of the most difficult “Nation” to create.

Consider the steps:

May, 1993 — Israel officially ratified her new National Covenant, thus setting the stage for Biblical prophecy (Daniel 9:27) to be fulfilled, that the coming Antichrist will “confirm the covenant”!

September, 1993 — Israel signed a peace accord with the PLO, creating the Palestinian homeland so ardently supported by the New World Order Plan. In succeeding stages since then, Israel has pulled back her security forces from the PLO designated cities, allowing the Palestinian National Police to assume operational control. Finally, the PLO has its nation.

November, 1993 — Israel signed a peace accord with Jordan

Currently, Israel and the United States are talking with President Assad of Syria to establish peace as well. In April, 1996, the PLO chairman Yassir Arafat suddenly announced that the PLO no longer seeks to destroy Israel. He recognized her right to exist as a nation.

All these peace accords since May, 1993, were considered unprecedented, even unbelievable, because the occurred so suddenly, so unexpectedly, coming after 44 years of unrelenting war and hatred. We do not know the fine print of these accords. perhaps the fine print specifies how, when and under what circumstances the rest of North Africa and the Middle East will be joined as part of Super Nation #7.

8. Super Nation #10 — China

As with Japan, China already exists as a nation, so nothing more needs to be done to create this Super Nation, #10.

The final critical element in this creation of the 10 Super Nation Plan was the GATT (General Accord on Tariffs and Trade) Agreement. This agreement contains provision which will strip the last vestige of individual national sovereignty from all nation, including the United States, by making all internal laws subject to review, and possible, overturn, by the International Court in the Netherlands.

Now, at long last, the world economy is truly global, with virtually all trade restrictions removed. Now, very soon, a company within any of the 10 Super Nations can trade with any company within any of the other Super Nations with the ease as companies within the United States.

But, there is much about GATT which we do not know. This document was over 20,000 pages long. It is entirely conceivable that GATT ties up all these seemingly loose ends in the final reorganization of the 10 Super Nations. The demonically controlled leaders of the New World Order Plan now feel that all the necessary preparations to stage Antichrist have now been completed. The most important formation of the 10 Super Nations is now complete. The Bible clearly states, in Daniel 7:8, that immediately after the 10 Super Nations were completed, Antichrist would arise. And, Jesus reveals, in Revelation 17:12-17. but specifically in verse 13, that the primary purpose these leaders had in creating the 10 Super Nations was to hand over their newly accumulated power to the Antichrist.

Since the 10 Nation Reorganization Plan is so near completion, we can, with Biblical assurance, anticipate that the date of the appearance of Antichrist is extremely imminent.

1. Daniel 7:7-8 — This prophecy provides the only sequential series of steps that lead to the appearance of Antichrist.

A. Verse 7, Last sentence, and first sentence of verse 8:

“And it was different from all the beasts that came before it, and it had 10 horns [10 kings or rulers]. I considered the horns …”

Here, the prophet Daniel saw the Fourth Gentile Kingdom reorganizing itself into 10 Super Nations, each one ruled by a single leader. Parallel passages in Daniel 2, especially verses 40-42, and in Revelation 17:12-13, clearly confirm that Biblical prophecy requires that the nations of the world will reorganize into 10 Super Nations, replacing the individual nations of which the U.N. is now comprised.

B. Verse 8, second phrase:

“… and behold, there came up among them another horn, a little one.”

There is not doubt among Bible scholars that this is the Antichrist, because God then identifies him in verse 20 by one of his most common characteristics, “a mouth that speaketh great things.”

At this point, the world is experiencing the event of Revelation 6:1-2, the deceiving, staged appearance of Antichrist, the one who comes in the guise of Jesus Christ.

C. Verse 8, third phrase:

“… before which three of the first horns were plucked up by their roots.”

As soon as Antichrist arises, the leaders of the 10 Super Nations give him their power and authority. But, then very shortly thereafter, war breaks out among the 10 rulers which totally destroys, even annihilating, three of the original 10 nations. Parallel passage here is Revelation 6:3-4, total warfare.

Finally, the New World Order Plan is being advanced on the premise that it will produce Peace and Safety. When the Antichrist arises, he will utter these two themes constantly. Therefore, when total war immediately follows, destroying three of the 10 Super Nations, God’s prophecy in 1 Thessalonians 5:3, will come to pass, “For when they say, ‘Peace and Safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape.”

Step 1 — World is reorganized into 10 Super Nations

Step 2 — Antichrist arises

Step 3 — Warfare breaks out, totally destroying three of the 10 Super Nations

We are at the point of the 10 Super Nations finally having formed. Antichrist is not far behind!


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