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New York Governor Andrew Cuomo uses the N-WORD during live radio interview while discussing racism faced by Italian Americans


  • Gov Cuomo was discussing racism against Italian-Americans during a call with WAMC radio on Tuesday when he used the derogatory word 
  • Cuomo said on-air that he was quoting the New York Times and said ‘ni**** w*ps’
  • His on-air gaffe comes just days after his brother was forced to apologize over his joke about using female pronouns at an LGBTQ town hall last Thursday  
  • Kamala Harris joined CNN host, Chris Cuomo, onstage at the televised Los Angeles event, telling him: ‘My pronouns are she/her/hers’ 
  • Cuomo quickly replied: ‘Mine too.’ After a brief pause Harris responded: ‘Alright’
  • The comment drew criticism online with viewers calling it ‘not okay’ and ‘uncool’
  • Cuomo quickly issued an apology on Twitter saying he ‘should not have’ said it
  • The event was the second major presidential forum dedicated to LGBTQ issues

It has been a rough few days for the Cuomo brothers. Just days after Chris Cuomo joked about using female pronouns at an LGBTQ town hall, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo dropped the n-word during a live radio interview.

Gov Cuomo was discussing racism against Italian-Americans during a call with WAMC radio on Tuesday when he used the derogatory word. As part of the interview, the governor was asked about the controversy surrounding the celebration of Indigenous Peoples’ Day versus Columbus Day.

‘Oh, well yeah. Oh, Times also said in an article the other day, they were talking about, they were going back to Italian Americans because you now have me.

‘They used an expression that southern Italians were called, I believe they were saying southern Italians – Sicilians; I’m half Sicilian – were called quote on quote, pardon my language but I’m just quoting the Times, “ni**er Wops. N-word Wops,” as a derogatory comment.

‘When I said “wop” is a derogatory comment, that’s when the Times Union told me, no you should look in Wikipedia. “Wop” really meant a dandy. I’m sure that’s what they were saying to me back in Queens. You’re a dandy, when they looked at me with scorn and gave me a hand gesture and called me a Wop. So that’s the New York Times.’

The governor was referring to an article written by the New York Times that talked about racist language used to describe Italian immigrants.



One Comment

  1. Methos Methos October 15, 2019

    I think everybody just needs to quit giving energy to the “N” word. All this hype is just making it worse. A better strategy is to ignore it and quit acting like you life was threatened just because you heard a naughty word!

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