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News about what it means to have taken the JAB, that’s more horrifying than you could imagine

By  Dare To Read It

This news item might be the most difficult thing you’ve had to read in a LONG LONG TIME…. or ever.

Brace yourself. This is going to be shocking information beyond what you have ever heard.

The idea of jabbed ppl shedding is not a fantasy, its very real. But as Dr. Tenpenny voiced in the very important 5-doctor panel discussion, in the case of COVID JAB, we must replace the previously used term “shedding” with TRANSMITTING. Because that is what is going on. The COVID JABBED are not “shedding” the “vax”… Their DNA is transmitting to the non jabbed… Transmitting FREQUENCIES.

Alert The “Vaccine” Is a Bioweapon – 5 Doctors Testify

Dr. Carrie Madej: Covid Shots, DNA & Transhumanism! – The New American Must Video

How does this work and what does this mean? As we explain its gonna sound like an outlandish sci fi movie, but it’s not. Its true and its happened and is happening.

READ THIS MATERIAL on this next link first –before reading further the text here in our DTRI article.

Frequency Change: Deeper Look, COVID Vax Transmission Phenomenon

Did you comprehend that? Let us help explain it. Every living organism has various frequencies of vibration and electrical waves that it both emits and that it receives from the environment. When they say ISSA VIBE, that’s no exaggeration. IT IS. You get vibes off art, music, other people, places, food, nature, animals/pets you have. You are receiving and transmitting various frequencies of vibrations all the time. TESLA knew all about this. He knew all about free energy and many things. When he died the government stole and sequestered all his papers to suppress his knowledge. Not surprised about that are you?

Back to topic though. When you are healthy you emit one kind of vibe. When you are ill, another. And when you have some kind of illness or infection or some malady, the specific malady has a specific vibration. Almost like a radio or TV signal. The vibration is quite specific as to THAT malady. Many ppl know that your pet, dog or cat, may cuddle up to you when you aren’t feeling well to make you feel their emo support. How do they know you are “not yourself today”.. issa vibe.

Once again, back to main topic.

The horror of what the illuminati (the NWO) have done with the Covid jab, is almost beyond comprehension. But it’s vital that you DO take in the explanation and that you DO understand it. Because understanding it or not could be a life or death matter for you.
We here at DTRI have been telling you, warning you for months DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT take the Covid jab and do not let anyone you know that it. Reject all coaxing from msm and CDC and all of that wicked nonsense. DO NOT TAKE IT. Because we knew the ingredients (most doctors still do not know what’s actually in it)

Ep. 210: Dr. Carrie Madej Tells You What’s In Those Shots

But now, in the last 10 days, those of us in ALT / INDY news-media, and those doctors and scientists who are independent and truth devoted… have stumbled into something so horrifying, so chilling, its difficult even to talk about it. Even as we type we are trying to imagine your reaction. You may initially get hurled into such shock your mind wants to disbelieve what we are telling you. But you’d better fast snap out of that initial shock, digest this info, and let it change your thinking and behavior. Because this info is a very very very serious warning. STAY AWAY FROM PPL who took the jab. Regardless of whether they are family or close friends. You must distance them now if you want to survive the coming holocaust of JAB INDUCED MASS GENOCIDE.

Because here is what the NWO have done and are continuing to do –via the jab. They have turned all jab recipients into controllable machines. Transhuman hybrids with changed DNA. Who they can flip a switch on remotely at any time and make them into “deputies” of action.

See… AS we HAVE BEEN telling you for months, the COVID JAB is not actually a vaccine. Its a deception. It does not immunize, and it DOES damage the recipient’s immune system, PLUS it changes their DNA. How could anyone want their DNA changed? Your DNA is YOU, the master code of your biological being’s programming. Why would you want that messed with and altered? INSANITY!

Certainly obviously, right off the bat, when hearing that the JAB will change your DNA, we were shocked and alarmed and began to shout from the rooftops DON’T TAKE THE JAB.

But now we know MORE about WHY the jab changes your DNA. There are multiple purposes. And ONE of them has just been discovered within the past couple weeks.

Let’s go back to the material on the link in this story. Its 100% true. Frequencies are such a significant thing that there is a whole realm of “medicine” that’s grown up around use of frequencies. You can vibe into a person certain frequencies that can cure them of just about any malady. A frequency specific to every malady exists and so does a cure for each. Specific frequencies vibed into a person can cure what ails them. Maybe you have heard of this maybe you have not. We’ve known of this realm of medicinal work. FREQUENCY HEALING for a while. Which is why we instantly understood the material on this link above. Frequencies can heal you.

But also….. frequencies can make you ill. Or even kill you. Or they can be used to stun you and knock you out. There is now SONIC weaponry being added to tanks and other armored vehicles for military and law enforcement, for use in crowd quelling and crowd dispersal. Its even more effective than water cannons. A vehicle equipped this way can go into a crowd and with SONIC frequency, stun a whole crowd of hundreds into fainting instantly. Issa vibe. Its frequency usage as weaponry.

Once again, back to main topic. IF YOU UNDERSTAND what is being explained in the link above, you are now prepped to hear the shocking news we have for you. But… BRACE YOURSELF…

The Covid JAB, hijacks a persons DNA and turns it into a receiving antenna for any instructions the evil NWO wants to give it… thru 5G on your phone, or from 5G sites on phone poles out and about.

And what can they do with this ability to send signals into the jabbed person? They can MAKE THE JABBED PERSON EMIT frequencies to those around them, which make those around them get ill and/or even die.

In other words jabbed people have become cyborgs thru the hijacking of their DNA, and the NWO intend to use them as killing soldiers for mass depopulation. They aim to use jabbed ppl to infect and kill BILLIONS of others, by way of frequencies the jabbed ppl emit.

The Transhumanist Covax Agenda Exposed with Dr Carrie Madej

Its been LONG KNOWN (see – Georgia Guidestones) that the NWO wants to kills 6 billion humans to reduce population to a mere one billion. Because its too difficult to control 7 billion humans. So follow this and understand it. The Covid psyop was not itself intended to be the depopulation cannon. In fact the Covid – actual Covid, the injected poison thru pcr and flu shots (its not a virus)
 has not killed a large number. It’s fatality impact has been — 0.002 percent of the population. Certainly not a level that would suggest locking down the world, destroying the global economy, and de-normalizing society…

Single Mother of Six Fined $1,000 a Day for Refusing to Close Michigan Café

The purposes, prime purposes of COVID psyop- were threefold. 1) to weaken nations so they can be taken over by the UN… 2) to de-normalize society so the whole world can be turned into a version of mega-controlled China… and 3)
 to SCARE PPL into taking the evil Jab.

Peter Hotez, psychopathic Texas pediatrician wants the UN to send troops in to the US to ‘neutralize’ anti-vaxers.

Now, here comes the most horrifying part of what we are revealing to you herein….ONCE A PERSON HAS BEEN JABBED, at any time, thru 5G on their phone or nearby towers, they can be sent SUPERVENING CODE that will have their DNA (which remember now is both a receiving AND transmitting phenom), the NWO can send a signal to a Jabbed person’s DNA, thru 5G, which will make that jabbed person EMIT FREQUENCIES into the environment which make others ill, with ANY illness the NWO want transmitted. Because every illness has a specific frequency. They can have the Jabbed ppl literally infect others around them THRU FREQUENCY VIBRATIONS with any illness they want to inflict.

Must see this 25 sec clip MUST see this 25 sec clip watch right now

Vaccine nano fibers acting as antennas???

In a nutshell – just below TWT clip shows measuring of emf from vaccinated people and comparing those readings to those not vaccinated. Initial results show vaccinated throwing emf readings up to 40 times higher than the non vaccinated.

Vaccine nano fibers acting as antennas???

Carlos Del Valle

Harvard’s Charles Lieber holds U.S. Patent – 5G radiation vibrates ‘drug’ particles from preset nanotubule containers.

Harvard’s Charles M. Lieber holds the U.S. Patent for using 5G radiation to vibrate corona virus particles from preset nanotubule containers.

Nanotechnology Weaponized to Deliver Viruses… Change one word (drug to COVID) in this paper and this delivery system becomes a bioweapon.

Gangi, Mirzaei, Dalirandeh. (Jul. 05, 2017). Molecular origin of drug release by water boiling inside carbon nanotubes from reactive molecular dynamics simulation and DFT perspectives. Sci Rep 7, 4669.

Molecular origin of drug release by water boiling inside carbon nanotubes from reactive molecular dynamics simulation and DFT perspectives

Weaponized pathogens via 5G (boil the water in the nanotube with 5G milliwave-lengths and it will release its toxic payload,

Including (are you ready for it?) a supposed “NEW AND WORSE STRAIN of Covid”? GOT the picture? This fake story of 400,000 new cases of COVID a day allegedly (but not really) happening in India, is a beta test, a psyop to get the world ready for hearing incredible numbers of mass infections and mass death. Which they plan to FLIP THE ON SWITCH FOR in actuality in the near future. Are you following all this?

Stolen US Gov Depopulation Program Classified Docs on DuckDuckGo + MORE GATES EVIL DEEDS

Are you aware there are 800 “sitting there idle just waiting to be used” FEMA concentration camps across the USA? One in Alaska is a even built for holding 2 million ppl. What are they for? They are sitting idle now. WHAT WERE THEY BUILT FOR? — For the days of ultimate mass chaos…that are planned. The days of the mega-big mass kill.

The next wave of chaos will be real “catastrophe”

It will not be the fake pandemic that COVID PSYOP is now.

Confirmed confirmed and RE-CONFIRMED — Covid is NOT A VIRUS, its the spike protein, and its a bioweapon

The next wave of chaos will be real “catastrophe” 
It will be Mass mass illness. Mass mass death. In numbers you’ve not only never seen before but can hardly imagine.

ALL USE OF THE COVID JAB should be stopped now due to safety concerns. And whether there are enough conscionable politicians left in USA to make that happen is a good question.

[57 Top Scientists And Doctors Release Shocking Safety Study On COVID JABS And Demand Immediate Stop to ALL COVID-JABBING]:

57 Top Scientists And Doctors Release Shocking Study On COVID Vaccines And Demand Immediate Stop to ALL Vaccinations

“COVID JAB” has killed 400,000 Americans — in just 4 months

BOMBSHELL: Dr. Mercola Makes Shocking Covid-19 Shot Prediction

But more importantly, YOU, who is reading this now. needs to realize, ANYONE YOU KNOW who took the jab has been turned into a controllable transhuman cyborg, thru altering of their DNA.

And right now. the NWO is testing them, by pumping out some degree of RADIATED ILLNESS CAUSATION…. What was initially termed vaccine “shedding” 
 But it is not really so much that as it is something else. ITS transmission of frequencies designed to make others around the Jabbed person seriously ill.

Click here to see the link.

However that’s just for right now. Its just a test. When they flip the serious kill switch —you will see escalation of illness and deaths into the hundreds of millions. Jabbed ppl will be electronic FREQUENCY –vampires. Causing mass death all about them. And then of course when enough innocents have been killed, the NWO will start exterminating the Jabbed ppl. Remember, the goal is to eliminate 6 billion humans. (Georgia Guidestones)

Now do you understand why 800 — FEMA concentration prison camps are built, now idle, and ready for use?

((( google search this phrase~~ fema+concentration+camps ~~then go into IMAGES )))

And why there are thousands of “mass casualty” body removal vans parked across the USA?

And why ppl have seen stacks of plastic coffins and mass grave sites readied across the USA?

You’ve seen the videos of all this on Youtube haven’t you? (before the censorship tsunami, very plentiful to see)

This is a comedic horror movie trailer from yesteryear–

—but its not gonna be far from the real horror that’s rolled out. HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF HUMANS genocide-killed by way of Jabbed ppl emitting frequencies.

Which of course will be falsely labeled some new strain of “virus” caused (somehow?) by our supposed failure to address climate change…
 Yeah, as if!….. It’s all story fabrication. [And yes there is some degree of climate change but it is not caused by carbon, its collateral damage from governmental GEOENGINEERING all across the globe]. You have to go deep. Deep dive your own homework to understand all these things. And for goodness sake STOP taking seriously any kind of “news” from social media or msm. You know? Geesh! Its all NWO propaganda. All crazed fabricated nonsense. From climate change carbon control on out.

And do you remember JADE HELM 2O15? The so-called military “exercise” which was less an exercise than a distribution. Thousands and thousands of Tanks and Mraps were taken on long long long trains and distributed, all over the nation. And parked -ready for use- in martial law -to control the mass chaos… Tanks and Mraps sent out and parked ready for martial law usage… Sent out not just to southern states (that was a lie)- they were sent to every state in the USA in 2015. Not for an exercise. They were PARKED across the nation and never returned to base. (You’ve seen many videos of them going out. You’ve never seen any videos of them going back home base. We know; we watched for it on Youtube in 2015. No video trains of them going back. None.]

They were parked —ready for the martial law that’s to come -as the mass kill launches. Are you frightened? You damn well should be.

And what can you do to address this horror? Well thing one is to heartbreakingly realize –family members and friends who took THE JAB are now latent vampires in ready. Think of them this way. And stay away from them. Distance them in your life. If you want to survive what’s being rolled out.

They are not only dangerous now. They are gonna be lethal soon. Bite the bullet and change your thoughts. DISTANCE all Jabbed ppl, if you value your own life. This is harsh and horrible to say but its the horrifying reality of what’s going on. Mass genocide by way of technology, run by the NWO.

Remember, at the top of this article, we told you… Brace yourself?

Worse than you could ever imagine in your wildest dreams—- is on the NWO drawing board for humanity.

if you wanna know EXACTLY exactly how INSANE and riddled with extreme lies/propaganda.. the Covid global psyop is, watch this very brief video. WAKE UP!

The wickness of the COVID PSYOP dystopian assault —marches forward

Confirmed confirmed and RE-CONFIRMED — Covid is NOT A VIRUS, its the spike protein, and its a bioweapon




  1. Grannie Annie Grannie Annie May 10, 2021

    I’m reminded of God n his Son in whom we trust. Psalm 37 tells it like it is “do not fret because of evil doers”, n in Luke 21, “do not get caught up in cares of this life”. God has made a way thru his Son, the way, the truth, the life.
    John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotton son, that “whosoever” believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life”. God knows our situations. “Death” means “separation”. It is not final, it’s separation from God, n that’s why believers, as Jesus did, pass thru death to life everlasting… no more death. Where evil ones die, then in judgement are separated from God called the second death, the Lake of Fire, at the Great White Throne Judgement, joining the beast, the false prophet, n the devil himself! Your decision is belief or unbelief! Not vax or unvax! It’s life or death – choose Life, n God wll see you thru as he did with his Son Jesus Christ. A renewed eternal life awaits all believers more abundantly than you could ever imagine or expect… God loves all but all do not love God. Do not fret – choose LIFE!

  2. Giant Meteor Giant Meteor May 10, 2021

    Those who are hell bent on destroying themselves will not listen, no matter how many times you tell them, There must be some kind of brain wave signals being sent out by the Dark State that is putting so many people into a lethargic, hypnotic state, like they are robots, just shuffling around. I have also noticed people have far more nasty attitudes toward other people than ever before. They are easily set off. Over little or nothing!

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