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News Stories And Articles September 20th 2019




LIVE: Catastrophic flooding after Imelda unloads 3 feet of rain in Texas


2nd ‘500-year rainfall’ in 2 years will cause $8 billion in damages, AccuWeather predicts


Colt Announces End Of AR-15 Production For Civilian Market


DOJ Releases Gun Control Plan For ‘Universal’ Checks, ‘Chain Of Title’ On ‘Good Guys’


Official petition to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom underway in California


The Very Book The Government Does Not Want You To Read Just Went #1 In The World


Facebook employee dead after ‘apparent suicide’ at headquarters


Smart Faucets And Toilets Use Alexa To Listen To Your Conversations


Islam in America’s Schools: The Plan


See creepy deepfake Vladimir Putin interviewed live at MIT conference


‘Only plausible candidate’: Never Trump Republicans plotting to back Biden


Philippines declares new polio outbreak after 19 years


Yang: Climate Change May Require Elimination of Car Ownership


To Defend Its Market Share, Aramco Looks To Import Crude, Gas & Other Products


Kevin Spacey Flew On Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ With Bill Clinton. One Of His Accusers Just Mysteriously Died.


Hezbollah terrorist scouted NYC-area locations: feds


New Jersey man, 42, is arrested for ‘conducting intelligence-gathering operations for terrorist group Hezbollah in Times Square, Boston’s Fenway Park and The Capitol building in Washington D.C.’




An ISIS aircraft mechanic caught trying to disable the same system that brought down two other 737s?


Where have the wild birds gone? 3 billion fewer than 1970


BOMB THREAT AND CHEMICAL ATTACK Disrupts Pro-Life Students for Life Event in Rochester, MN – One Arrested


Grade-Rigging Scandal: Baltimore Students Missed 100+ Days Of School, Failed Classes, Still Graduated


Sen. Mike Lee’s Green Card Giveaway for Big Tech Blocked in Senate, for Now


Nunes: Horowitz Will Likely Find All Four FISA Warrants Against Page Were Illegally Obtained


Denied! CA Dems Demand More Taxpayer Money To Fix Homeless Problem


REAL HISTORY: The NRA supported black Americans in their fight against the KKK, the racist, militant wing of the Democrat party


Why You and Your Kids Should Detox Your Mind by “Deschooling”


The Clintons, Laura Silsby, Haiti, Amber Alerts & Human Trafficking


JPMorgan’s Gold and Silver Desk Was a Criminal Enterprise – U.S. Justice Department


The new face of ‘statuegate’: Tearing down statues because they depict men




Former Overstock CEO Byrne Dumps $90 Million Stock Gains Into Gold, Crypto “Out Of Reach Of Deep State”


Mainstream media savaged Nadler’s impeachment hearing questioning of Corey Lewandowski (with an assist from Nancy Pelosi)


The Electoral College: Expanding the Map


#MeToo Mafia Destroys a Brilliant Scientist Over Nothing


Rep. Gaetz Grills Al Sharpton: Have You Ever Called Jews “White Interlopers Or Diamond Merchants?”


Trump Sues Manhattan D.A. In Response To Subpoenas


Instagram is Now Banning Photos of People at Gun Ranges, Claiming They Promote ‘Violence’ by Paul Joseph Watson
War on the 2nd Amendment kicks into high gear.


Adam Schiff Threatens To Sue Trump Administration Over Mystery Whistleblower Complaint


Yellow Journalism to Fake News: Media lies against Justice Kavanaugh


FedEx Pilot Arrested In China; Accused Of Illegally Transporting Ammunition


Where have all the heroes gone?


Singer Josh Turner’s road crew involved in fatal California crash


Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions


California bank robber to get charged for cultural appropriation for wearing Mexican mask
Only in California.


Unreal: Dirty cop found planting drugs on unsuspecting motorists — yeah, he’s now facing felony charges (Video)


DC Dems Seek To Make the Nation’s Capital a State


‘Progressive’ Christian Seminary Begins Praying to Plants for Forgiveness


Trump Reveals Why He Carries a Wad of Cash in His Back Pocket


US Digital Voting Systems Are Vulnerable to Hacking


*UPDATED* Help Stop The Out-Of-Control Gender Agenda


75 Nations Now Use AI Facial Recognition For Surveillance


Trump must not cave on ‘universal background checks’


The mass prescription of statins is a ‘public health disaster’ fuelled by the ‘cholesterol con’, cardiologist claims


Gene Simmons: Don’t Be Ashamed To Say God Bless America


NewsGuard: The Anatomy Of What Censorship Looks Like

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