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NEWT SAYS ‘ENOUGH!’ Gingrich Rips ‘Fancy Nancy’s’ Lavish Ice Cream Stockpile, Says Totally ‘Tone Deaf’

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich ripped ‘Fancy Nancy’ Pelosi’s recent appearance on late-night television where she showed-off her private stash of expensive ice cream in a $20,000 refrigerator; calling the display totally “tone-deaf.”

“I thought the notion of Nancy Pelosi holding up aid to small businesses while she stood in front of her two very expensive refrigerators and talked about how she loves to have her $11.75-a-pint ice cream to comfort her is the most tone-deaf thing I’ve seen a Speaker of the House do,” said Gingrich.

“Fauci and Birx both have very personal standards. They’ve been advising the president but in the end, the reason you have a president is there are some decisions larger than experts and it’s the job of the president to weigh everything and then try to make the best possible decision,” he added.

Gingrich concluded,” I would say overall you look at our fatality rate and you look at Europe, you can feel pretty good about what the president has done.”


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