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‘NFAC’ Black Nationalist Militia Marches on Kentucky Derby in Armed Intimidation Rally

By Richard Moorhead

The “Not F****** Around Coalition” militia appeared in force at Saturday’s Kentucky Derby in Churchill Downs, marching while heavily armed on the horse race.

The leader of the armed militia, who styles himself as “Grand Master Jay” (real name John Fitzgerald Johnson), appeared to threaten those who were present at the contest, although in-person attendance of the race is cancelled due to coronavirus.

When they start the race, ain’t nobody going to be enjoying themselves,” Johnson said. “You see, they’re looking at us right now. They really don’t give a damn about no race. Louisville, y’all brought this on yourself.”

Grandmaster Jay ordered his militia members not to carry their long guns with a round chambered. This comes after a man marching with the NFAC accidentally shot three other militia members in a negligent discharge accident.

“Not F****** Around Coalition” Black Nationalist Militia Member Shoots Three Other Louisville Marchers in Negligent Discharge

The Louisville incident almost appears to suggest that the militia, which has previously marched upon Stone Mountain in Georgia, is more of a danger to its own members than the general public.

The Grand Master himself, supposedly an “expert shooter,” demonstrated a pitiful knowledge of firearms in a July video, referring to an AR-style rifle as a “bullpup” and claiming that the rifle would fire merely by closing the bolt of the weapon with loaded magazine.

The NFAC has made a set of political demands pertaining to the shooting of Breonna Taylor, a Louisville woman who was shot and killed by police in a hotly controversial incident. The shooting of Taylor remains under investigation by the Kentucky Attorney General, but that hasn’t stopped the NFAC from making demands of immediate prosecution in the case.

The group has also endorsed the notion of black secession from the United States, demanding that the Union cede territory in order to create what the so-called Grand Master refers to as a “new black nation.”

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