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NH Governor Sununu: You Are Responsible if a Child is Injured or Dies!

By Ken Eyring

Children’s immune systems naturally fight Covid-19 – and they are at ZERO risk to die from the virus. After 19 months, there is not a single confirmed case of a child transmitting and infecting an adult with COVID-19, nor a single recorded hospitalization and/or death of a child from COVID-19 alone.

Sadly that may change due to Governor Sununu’s Covid-19 program to inject an experimental gene therapy “vaccine” into NH’s 125,000 children aged 5-11. Sununu’s program dismisses reports from Germany (here) and Taiwan (here) that reveal death and serious safety concerns regarding their Covid-19 “vaccination” programs for older children aged 12-17.

There’s more. Six weeks ago, Sweden and Denmark halted the use of the Moderna vaccination on those 30-and-under due to potential side effects. A few days later, Iceland banned the Moderna vaccine FOR EVERYONE!

The European Medicines Agency has reported 1,163,356 adverse drug reactions and 30,551 fatalities. The UK Health Security Agency has reported most Covid-19 deaths in England are fully vaccinated. And new research out of Germany shows: “The Higher the (COVID19) Vaccination Rate, the Higher the Excess Mortality”…



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