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NHS England: Children Will No Longer Receive Puberty Blockers Unless In Clinical Trials

By Abril Elfi


England’s National Health Service (NHS) has stated that children will be prohibited from receiving puberty blockers at gender identity clinics. 

From this point forward, puberty blockers will now only be available to children who join clinical research trials.

Puberty blockers pause the physical, hormonal changes of puberty, such as breast development or facial hair.

The NHS claims that there are currently less than 100 teenagers using puberty blockers in the country, and they will be allowed to keep receiving their medication.

The decision was made in response to a public consultation on the matter and an independent evaluation of gender identity services for children under 18 that NHS England commissioned in 2020.

The review, headed by Dr. Hilary Cass, was prompted by an increase in referrals to the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust’s Gender Identity Development Service (Gids).

There were over 5,000 referrals to Gids in 2022, up from less than 250 a whole decade prior.

Two new NHS services—at Liverpool’s Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital—will launch in early April in response to one major center’s closure.

In an interim report released in February 2022, Dr. Cass suggested that regional services be established in order to “provide better support for young people.”

According to the NHS, children who attend these clinics will receive clinical expertise in mental health, pediatrics, and neurodiversity, “resulting in a holistic approach to care.”

It is anticipated that approximately 250 patients from Gids will be moved to the new clinics upon their opening, and an additional 5,000 children and youth are currently on the waiting list for referral to the new clinics…


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