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Nicaraguan Government Strips Jesuit Order Of Legal Status In Country, Seizing Assets And Closes Colleges. Jesuit Order Says Leader Will Be Overthrown

by Jacob M. Thompson


The Central American nation of Nicaragua has now dropped the guillotine on the Society of Jesus, otherwise known as the Jesuit Order, officially rescinding their legal status in the land, along with seizing some of their registered homes and assets including forcibly closing their colleges.

On August 17th Reuters reported a Nicaraguan judge ordered the confiscation of assets from the prestigious Jesuit college Central American University (UCA), a 63-year-old university. Reuters obtained a letter from the college that reported a criminal court alerted the school that all of its assets would be transferred to the government.

Authorities have also frozen the bank accounts of UCA.

Reuters reports that ‘UCA, widely-considered one of Central America’s top private institutions of higher learning, said it stands accused of being a “center for terrorism organized by criminal groups,” which it rejects as false…


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