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NJ Gov. Murphy: ‘I Wasn’t Thinking of the Bill of Rights’ When Issuing Stay-at-Home Order, Did Consult with Lawyers

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy (D) stated that he “wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights” when he implemented his state’s stay-at-home order, but that he did consult with legal counsel.

Murphy began by defending the order by arguing that there won’t be an economic recovery until there’s a “complete or near complete healthcare recovery.” And that more testing in the state would be helpful in reopening.

Murphy later defended deeming liquor stores an essential business, saying that the decision was based on input from addiction and recovery experts that shutting down liquor stores would have “unintended mental health and addiction prices to pay, unintended consequences.”

The discussion then turned to the state closing down religious services. Murphy stated that there has been “good common ground” with faith leaders and that people are using technology to practice their faith remotely.

Murphy then justified closing down state parks by arguing that warmer weather, holidays, and some counties closing parks resulted in people congregating in parks before they were closed.

The discussion then turned back to the restrictions on religious services. Host Tucker Carlson asked, “By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing this order? How do you have the power to do that?”

Murphy responded, “That’s above my pay grade, Tucker. So, I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this.” Murphy continued that he looked at science and data on social distancing.

Carlson cut in to ask Murphy what authority he had to restrict religious services. Murphy responded that social distancing is needed, there is “broad authority within the state.” And “we would never do that without coordinating, discussing, and hashing it out with the leaders — the variety of the leaders of the faiths of New Jersey.”

Murphy further stated that he did discuss the order with legal counsel.


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