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No, JD Vance Did Not Say He Wanted to Ban IVF

By Sarah Arnold 


Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) was criticized this week after he was accused of voting to ban in vitro fertilization (IVF). 

However, that couldn’t be further from the truth and is another one of the liberal media’s lies.  

Last month, Vance and a few other Republicans blocked the Right to IVF Act– a Democrat-backed legislation that would have expanded access to and federalized a “right” to IVF.

The bill ultimately failed in a 48 to 47 vote, with all but two Republicans opposing its advancement.

What Democrats and the left-wing media forgot to mention is that a bill to “ban” IVF doesn’t even exist. 

Instead, Vance voted against the bill because the Ohio senator said he believed in leaving the rights to the states the way a constitutional republic was designed to run. 

Following the backlash, Vance has since come out in support of fertility treatments and said he believes women should have access to them. However, he said he doesn’t think it’s something that should be federalized…


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