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Not Encouraging A Foster Child’s Rainbow Identity Would Be ‘Abuse’ Under Proposed HHS Rule


proposed rule from HHS’s Administration for Children and Families (ACF) seeks to classify foster facilities and parents who hold traditional views about sex and marriage as unqualified to provide a “safe and appropriate” environment for kids with same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria.

Federal law states that children in foster care must receive “safe and proper” supervision that will “support their health and wellbeing.” According to ACF, foster families who refuse to let their foster child be chemically castrated or irreversibly mutilated, choose to call the child by his or her given name and biologically correct pronouns, or try to protect the child from radical gender ideology propaganda and propagandists, fail to adequately meet these requirements.

“Due to the mental health challenges experienced by LGBTQI+ children in foster care it is essential to place LGBTQI+ children in placements that can provide the support and specialized resources necessary to support their health and wellbeing,” the proposed rule states.

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