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Not One Democrat Witness Agreed That Only U.S. Citizens Should Vote In Elections

By Sarah Arnold 


In nearly four years that the Biden Administration has been in office, they have refused to enact any sort of border policy that would keep illegal immigrants out of the U.S. and force those already here to go back to their own country. 

For nearly four years, the Democratic Party has rolled out the red carpet and handed out freebies such as identification cards, pre-paid credit cards, and health insurance to illegal aliens, incentivizing them to stay illegally in the United States. 

Why? So that illegal immigrants can vote in the next presidential election and elect the candidate who is allowing them to live freely in the U.S. 

And Tuesday’s Senate Judiciary Hearing proved just that. 

During the hearing, not a single Democrat witness believed that only U.S. citizens should be able to vote in federal elections. 

Not One. 

Republican Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) asked the witnesses to provide a basic “yes” or “no” answer to a series of questions about non-citizens voting.

In response, the Democrat witnesses refused to say that only citizens of the United States should have the right to vote in elections. 

We don’t have a position about non-citizens voting in federal elections, we believe that’s what the current laws are, and so we’re certainly fighting for everyone who is eligible under current law to vote,” Executive Director of The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Damon T. Hewitt said.

“That’s a decision of the state law but I want to emphasize –” President of Southwest Voter Registration Education Project Lydia Camarillo said.

“It’s a decision of state law as to who should vote in federal elections?” Lee interjected…


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