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Nothing About This Is Normal


We’ve crossed the Rubicon. There’s no way to walk back what Soros DA Alvin Bragg, Judge Juan Merchan, and a Manhattan jury did today. It will reverberate beyond Trump’s (much more likely now) second term. Leftists far and wide are celebrating Trump’s conviction today with no understanding of how perilous this is for our country—for the democracy they claim to love. For the first time, a former president of the United States has been convicted of a felony. It was a setup from the start—lawfare for political purposes—and nothing about it remotely resembled a fair trial.

And half the country is ok with it.

From this day forward, every Republican president and Congress member will have to fear being hauled into court by the Democrats—and it won’t be an irrational fear. Who would want to run for office knowing what awaits them?

Remember the Left’s biggest complaint about Trump in the early days of his presidency? They wept and gnashed their teeth whenever he acted outside the box, claiming he violated presidential norms. “This is not normal!” they lamented over and over again.

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