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NY Prosecutor Admits ‘Working With China’ In Baseless Case Against Prominent Chinese Dissident Miles Guo


By Shane Trejo


When Judge Katharine H. Parker sat on the bench to preside over the scheduled arraignment of Miles Guo, the famed anti-Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dissident, she had apparent concerns about the U.S. prosecutors withholding critical information from Mr. Guo and the Court, specifically information regarding the U.S. Government’s collaboration with the Chinese Government.

After having concluded the brief legal procedures of Mr. Guo’s arraignment, during which Mr. Guo pleaded not guilty, Judge Parker took the unusual action of reminding the prosecutors of their legal obligation to disclose certain information to Mr. Guo, such as contacts with foreign governments or potential conflicts of interest by current or former members of the prosecutor’s team. The Judge further noted that such an obligation is “ongoing” and warned of “serious consequences” that range from the dismissal of the case all the way to judicial disbarment for noncompliance.

Answering Judge Parker, the New York prosecutors, under pressure, disclosed that the prosecutors’ team had worked “a lot with China” throughout the investigation of Mr. Guo. A silent shock wave took the Courtroom by storm as everyone became bewildered by the ironically cynical response.




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