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Obama’s Body Language When Biden Speaks Really Says It All

By Matt Vespa 


Former President Barack Obama opted to help Joe Biden net a $28 million fundraising haul in Los Angeles over the weekend. The viral clip from the event showed Obama dragging Biden off the stage. It was yet another incident where Joe might have been brain-fried. Some, like Fox News’ Brit Hume, disagreed that this particular incident showed the president’s hallmark aloofness, adding that the Biden staff were probably annoyed with Obama’s ‘Visiting Angels’ maneuver, bolstering the narrative that Biden is mentally degraded. Hume does believe that Biden is senile and decrepit, but this clip wasn’t as damning as the others.

There are better examples of Biden’s mental decline, notably his trip to the G7 Summit in Italy, where even the European press couldn’t ignore seeing an American president in a decrepit state. The Democrats’ strategy right now is to claim these clips are edited, lack context, or are misinformation. These aren’t deep fakes—other outlets have seen it. Yet, a new clip from the LA fundraiser shows Obama’s reaction to Joe speaking about his record on the economy. It’s not pretty:

A lot was happening in 2020, but Obama did fire warning flares. There were numerous reports about the former president’s notable lack of enthusiasm about Joe tossing his hat into the 2020 ring…


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