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Observations on the Structure of Hydra as seen with the Electron and Light Microscopes
Sections of hydra studied with the electron microscope show various structures which have been identified by referring to control histological sections and to previous descriptions. Certain features have also been examined in frozen-dried sections under the light microscope.In the ectoderm, epithelio-muscular cells contain various organelles, and also smooth longitudinal muscle-fibres with which mitochondria may be associated. The so-called ‘supporting fibres’ appear to be thin bundles of muscle-fibres. Although points of contact exist between muscle-fibres, there appears to be no cytoplasmic continuity. The muscle-fibres insert on the mesogloea, and appear to be separated from it by two membranes, one belonging to the cytoplasm surrounding the musclefibreand the other to the mesogloea…


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