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Official Government of Canada Data: Triple-Vaxxed FIVE TIMES More Likely to Die of Covid

By Mac Slavo

Editor’s Commentary: When we divide people in Canada into three groups — unvaccinated, double-vaccinated, and triple-vaccinated — there is a plurality of people who are unvaccinated. This is important to know up front because the quick reply from vaxx-nannies who do not read this article all the way through will be, “of course more vaccinated get sick and die because there are a lot more of them.” But the data is extraordinarily clear that double-vaxxed die more often than unvaxxed and triple-vaxxed die more often than double-vaxxed.

There’s a conspiracy theory that popped up last month that I pinned to my mental whiteboard. The theory stated that the powers-that-be were pushing the war in Ukraine before Russia even invaded because they knew data would start getting alarming about the ineffectiveness and dangers of the jabs, so much so that corporate media and governments would be forced to comment on it. That is why Democrats and world leaders suddenly started dropping mask- and vaxx-mandates.

The data in the article below by Mac Slavo from SHTF Plan is extremely damning to the universal vaccination agenda. It would be challenging for even the powerful corporate media to keep a lid on it if more people were paying attention. Today, our attention has been turned towards a regional conflict with very little geopolitical implications outside of Eastern Europe, yet the world has been told to fixate on it. Is this the reason why? Here’s Mac…

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