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Oh, We Have Some New White House Intrigue…and It Doesn’t Involve Hunter Biden

Matt Vespa
By Matt Vespa 

What in the fresh hell is this? An imposter might have infiltrated a White House intern group chat, collected signatures, and sent a letter to President Joe Biden demanding a ceasefire in Gaza. That appears to be the case, and yet another chapter of White House intrigue, though one that doesn’t involve Hunter Biden, his drug use, his tax evasion shenanigans, his gun charges, his prostitutes, or Joe Biden’s mental decay. Then again, who is this person? We have a name, but no one knows who she is—who is ‘Thara Nagarajan?’

Her alleged behavior in this story is incredulous. She posted a message into the GroupMe White House intern chat, hoping to solicit support for a letter demanding a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war. She gave interns in the chat until that evening to submit their names but added that they wouldn’t be revealed. Nagarajan then left the chat. The letter was leaked to the press, with NBC News reporting.

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