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Oklahoma Candidate for Governor Moira McCabe: We Need Governors Who Have the Spine to Stand up to the Federal Government

By  Jeff Dornik

Moira McCabe is running for Governor of Oklahoma, wanting to bring a libertarian approach to leading her state. A huge motivation for her jumping into the race is the desire to see more governors stand up against the tyranny of the Federal Government. In a time when the GOP voters are looking for outsiders, Moira is definitely campaigning under that mantle.

Many Conservatives are getting frustrated with our GOP leadership, which has led to the rise of the outsiders. We’ve seen a lot of first time candidates over the past few election cycles, several of whom I’ve had the opportunity to interview on Freedom One-On-One, including Lauren Boebert, Burgess Owens, Mindy Robinson, DeAnna Lorraine, Buzz Patterson and JR Majewski. Moira McCabe joins that list of names as we discuss her campaign for governor of Oklahoma.

Moira definitely has a libertarian streak in her, which I can relate to, since I have a Classical Liberal streak to me, as well. However, I’ve recently realized that we need to have a more Conservative ideology when it comes to local politics, while I take a more Classical Liberal Perspective when it comes to the Feds. But even then, it’s simply classic Federalism and States Rights, which Moira and I dive into after talking about some of hot button issues of the day.

A huge problem that has been compounding over the past several decades is the expansion of the role of the Federal Government. We’ve gotten to the point now to where it’s a common held belief that Federal law outweighs State law, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

The Constitution severely limits the authority of the Federal Government, yet our government officials have completely ignored that. However, we cannot lay all of the blame on our Presidents, Congressmen & women or even the Supreme Court. We must lay a good portion of the fault with our state officials who have happily exchanged Federal funding for a larger and more expansive Fed.

We need governors who will not submit to a tyrannical and illegal government. They must hold to the Constitution of the United States, and if the Federal Government oversteps its authority, it is up to the states to check that power. To do so, it takes having a spine and the strength to take on the wrath that is the Federal government.

Moira McCabe is definitely an outsider. As a more libertarian candidate for governor of Oklahoma, it’s going to be more difficult to get the backing of the state GOP. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing
 it could actually be extremely beneficial, as more conservatives are waking up to the fact that our GOP leadership is not on our side.


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