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Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt Orders Agency to Stop Issuing Nonbinary Birth Certificates

by Joshua Caplan

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) on Monday directed the state’s Department of Health to stop issuing nonbinary birth certificates.

The Oklahoman reports:

After Oklahoma issued its first nonbinary birth certificate last month, Stitt signed an executive order Monday to block the state from issuing more birth certificates with an “X” gender marker. In the order, Stitt said that by issuing a gender-neutral birth certificate, the health department amended the document in a manner not allowed by state law. Stitt also called on the Oklahoma Legislature to pass legislation next year on state-issued birth certificates that indicates “a designation of non-binary is contrary to Oklahoma Law.”

“It has come to my attention that the Oklahoma State Department of Health has entered into a settlement agreement which was not reviewed or approved by my administration,” Stitt stated in the order. “This settlement requires OSDH to amend birth certificates in a manner not permitted under Oklahoma Law. This Order ensures that this unauthorized action will be corrected.”

Last month, the Oklahoma State Department of Health struck a settlement agreement with a Oregon resident who was born in Oklahoma who sought a birth certificate amended to show their nonbinary identity, according to KOCO News.

Stitt, as part of the order, urged state lawmakers to approve legislation to “clarify” that “changes in sex or gender on a birth certificate or a designation of non-binary is contrary to Oklahoma Law.”

“The Oklahoma State Department of Health stands committed to serving the citizens of Oklahoma in maintaining the integrity of vital records,” the Oklahoma State Department of Health said in response to Stitt’s executive order:

Pursuant to Governor Stitt’s Executive Order, OSDH will continue to amend birth certificates as allowed by law. These amendments will include legal change of name or corrections of errors. OSDH will work with the Governor and Attorney General on any orders for amendments that may fall outside the scope of 63 O.S. 1-321. OSDH will continue to uphold its mandate in the area of vital statistics within the authority granted by the Oklahoma Legislature.


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