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Olympic Child Sacrifice Portrayal Carried Out Hours Later For Real In Golan Heights

By CDM Staff


The Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony aftermath has become even more bizarre and deadly.

Hours after a horrific display of satanic rituals was shown to the world in the French capital, a ritual was carried out for real in the Golan Heights.

This bad dream started with a display of an alien-type being bringing an obvious depiction of a child sacrifice (disguised as an Olympic flag) to an official musical band, with the head of Moloch above. Moloch was a false god unto which his worshipers sacrificed their children, blowing horns loudly while doing so.

The Olympic flag was then hung upside down, which was noticed around the world.

Hours after the satanic display in Paris, the ritual was carried out for real in the Levant with a massive rocket fired from Lebanon into the Golan Heights, striking Arab children, killing at least a dozen of them horrifically…


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