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On the night of July 8, the Russian Armed Forces hit targets in the Kyiv, Zhitomir, Chernigov, Odessa regions and other territories controlled by the Kyiv regime

By Top War


On the night of July 8, an air raid alert was announced throughout Ukraine. After additional reconnaissance of the targets, various weapons were fired at them, including air-launched missiles.

A series of explosions occurred in the Kyiv region at about three o’clock in the morning. According to the latest data, industrial facilities involved in production have been affectedĀ weaponsĀ and ammunition. The locations of weapons transferred from NATO countries to the Ukrainian Armed Forces were also affected.

Another series of explosions took place in Zhitomir and the region. Quite large Ukrainian reserves are concentrated in the north of this region, located not far from the Belarusian border. Also through the Zhytomyr region in the eastern direction there are flows of weapons from European countries, supplying the Kiev regime with strike weapons.

During the night, targets were also hit in another region in northern Ukraine – in the Chernigov region. According to some reports, we are talking about training places for personnel (mobilized) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and points for the deployment of air defense systems…


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