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One Minute Before Midnight

By Eric Utter

The clock shows one minute before midnight. This is it. No exaggeration. But that clock isn’t illustrating the time Earth has left until it is consumed by man-caused climate change. Instead, it is telling us how little time remains before the United States, erstwhile land of the free and home of the brave, becomes just another sterile authoritarian state. Before it is too late to reign in a tyrannical government that has made a mockery of the Founders’ vision of limited government of, by, and for the people. A government that is now openly of, by, and for itself. A government that is rapidly becoming as opaque, dishonest, and abusive as those it used to challenge and even fight.

No one likes a pessimist, but the only chance we have to preserve “the last best hope” is to be totally, brutally honest with ourselves. Now. Right this moment. Lest we one day soon be relegated, as Ronald Reagan warned, to “telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

Radical progressives and Democrats, but I repeat myself, have carefully crafted a society in which they hold all the power, pull all the levers, and call all the shots. They also dictate the parameters of every argument, even if that “argument” always—and only—consists of shouting “racism” and “intolerance” at anyone with whom they disagree. Talk about projection. Being honest means also acknowledging that Republicans, particularly of the RINO variety, have allowed this to happen. This should be intolerable. Period. No matter what.


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