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Only Marianne Williamson Will Run Against Biden



Democrats are too cowardly to challenge a candidate whom 58% of their own party don’t want to see run again.

In the past, it would be a safe bet that Bernie Sanders would run against the Democrat establishment candidate.

Not anymore.

Sanders has said he will support Biden, the oldest sitting president, in 2024 if he plans to run again. Biden would be 82 at the start of a second term.

“I think there’s a general consensus right now that President Biden has done, not everything we would like, he has done a good job,” Sanders said on CBS. “And again, I can’t speak for anybody else. But what I have said is, if he runs, announces that he is going to run, I will support him.”

There are caveats there, but Bernie continues to bow out of a potential challenge. The Bernie camp is pondering running leftist Rep. Ro Khanna, but it would be hard for Bernie to support such a run after promising to support Biden. And without Bernie’s support, such a run would be hollow.






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