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Op-Ed: ‘Transgenderism’ Perversion is not Between their Legs, but Between their Ears

By Publisher

Understand that “transgenderism” shouldn’t be opposed on purely moral grounds, but on epistemological grounds. In other words, the controversy is over the nature – not of gender – but of objective reality. “Transgenderism” is designed to force you to lie about what you know to be reality. A man has never been a woman, is not now a woman, and can never become a woman – not just because God says so – but because objective reality says so. Science says so. Reason and logic say so.

No one – even the LGBTQXYZ – truly believe “transgenderism” exists. Yet, they desperately demand that you confess that it does, and join with them in demonizing those of us who refuse to speak that which we know to be untrue.

This phenomenon is really just an attempt at “transreality,” the notion that nothing is objectively real. It is epistemological nihilism, the attempt to remove reality as a concept from our thinking.

The LGBTQXYZ cabal would be just as happy for you to pronounce that black is white, or up is down, as to pronounce that male is female. Their perversion is not between their legs, but between their ears.

Ask yourself, “What does a world look like that has transitioned away from objective truth?” Ask, “What are the consequences of our culture being post-reality?”

The battle isn’t about gender, folks. It’s about your perception – and admission – of what is real or fake, true or untrue.

Caving on “transgenderism” – even and especially using preferred pronouns – is siding against that which objectively IS and siding with that which objectively IS NOT.

When the “transgender” controversy is understood in this light, then suddenly changing our speech to spare the fragile feelings of a few odd people seems like no good excuse to stand against objective truth and immutable reality.

Hurt feelings are worth the price of maintaining a foothold in what is objectively real, with a clear estimation of that which is objectively false. Therefore, I can’t call Bruce Jenner a woman simply because he’s a man. I can’t call Bruce Jenner a woman because I’m unprepared and unwilling to deny the existence of objective reality.

You’re not only giving up on morality to cater to the LGBTQXYZ on this issue, but you’re giving up on science, medicine, philosophy, logic, reason, and cognitive coherence.

By Pastor and Publisher JD Hall


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