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OPEN LETTER TO President Donald Trump – From : ex Missouri County Militia State Commander


July 4, 2024

Dear President Trump,

In the 1990’s there was an effort by the people to stop illegal immigration. It was launched by the group
efforts of several US state militia. These militias were not the “run of the mill, Joe six packs”.

I myself was elected Missouri State Cmdr. by the Missouri County Militia Commanders. These militias
were formed after months of town hall meetings where the PEOPLE adopted a charter to organize and
form a structure for the militias. Each county elected from their people, a county commander. I was
elected in my county, winning by one vote. Little did I know how that was going to change my life.

Eventually counties all over the state of Missouri, and several other states were chartering militias in
the counties of their respective state. By the mid 90’s militias had grown quite large and were making
important contributions to their states in many areas.

In the meantime, the deep state (especially the Clintons) were getting concerned. Illegal immigration
had gotten out of control, and the state commander of California, Dean Compton, contacted other state
commanders to suggest several states join in an effort to stop the illegals. It was called Operation
Protect America.

Dean Compton contacted the Clinton White House, and told them they had 3 months to stop the illegals
or the militias of several states in America would. We prepared accordingly.

During the next almost 3 months, each state scheduled their forces so they could be rotated into
southern California. Dean even managed to get 200 aircraft committed to the effort. During this time of
preparation Dean was getting death threats from La Raza, and said that they would not let Dean’s group
get within 50 miles of the Mexico/California border.

Then with only two weeks left before Operation Protect America was to start, Janet Reno and Newt
Gingrich showed up to Dean’s one blinking light small town, and announced in a press conference
(without Dean’s presence) stating they would be sending several thousand “Federal Troops” (Agents?)
to stop the flow of illegals across the border. But it proved later to be a lie!
Because Dean promised to stand down if the government did their job, all state commanders stood
down their plans to help.

Several weeks went by, and nothing more was said or done to stop the illegals coming in. It was
obvious they lied to America at the presser.

Shortly after that a Mexican gang member showed up at Dean’s convenience store and shot, and
murdered him over the counter.

Please, consider an aggressive border policy, and send the illegals back home. It’s time they fight for
their liberties like we did in the American Revolution.

May God guide you, and keep you safe,
Charles MacLeod of Lewis, ND
retired Missouri State Militia Commander


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