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Operation Coronavirus Next Phases: Resurgence Predictions and Bioterror Attack?

So what are the next phases in Operation Coronavirus?

Now that the New World Order (NWO) manipulators have worked so hard to get everyone isolated and shut up in their homes, many people are naturally wondering: what’s next? Many people have woken up to the fact that the governmental reaction is far worse than the original problem. The NWO manipulators, of course, want to milk this crisis for all it’s worth, which may explain why the MSM has been flooding mass consciousness with the predictive programming of a resurgence – a second wave, a third wave, and so on. As an aside, you can’t have a ‘resurgence’ when there has barely been a ‘surgence’, but anyway, the point of the propaganda is quite clear: stay in fear, don’t relax, get used to the new normal. Apart from more waves, what else is planned? There’s a pretty easy to way to find out: just ask Bill Gates.

Bill Gates Reveals Possible Next Phases of Operation Coronavirus: Bioterrorist Attack, Pandemic 1 and Pandemic 2

Comedian Stephen Colbert interviewed NWO frontman Bill Gates (depopulation-via-vaccine enthusiast, promoter of digital certificates and advocator of no mass gatherings unless you’re vaccinated). This is what Gates said about the next phase:

Colbert: “You tried to warn us about this pandemic and we didn’t listen. What’s the next thing you’re warning us about that’s going to happen 5 years from now that we’re not listening to at the present? 
 What else are we not listening to that we need to take action on now?”

Gates: “The idea of a bioterrorist attack is kind of the nightmare scenario because there’s a pathogen with a high death rate 
 most of the work we’re going to do to be ready for Pandemic 2 (I call this Pandemic 1) 
 most of the work we’ll do be ready for that are also the things we need to do to minimize the threat of bioterrorism.”

A bioterrorist attack! This is the concept which has been recently planted in the MSM. The Hill suggests in The coronavirus: Blueprint for bioterrorism that “Terrorists could, and would, go on to plant the virus randomly across the world with additional infected agents. These would be done in small, random patches (i.e., Italy, Iran, the U.S. West Coast, and so forth). It would leave everyone confused and guessing. “Experts” and media speculation would add to the confusion and panic. All of this could be done with limited funding 
” The Daily Beast suggests in Coronavirus Bungling Breathes New Life into Terrorist Movements that “As the world looks on in awe at the governmental, economic, and societal vulnerabilities exposed by COVID-19, terrorists are taking note, and because a novel coronavirus was able to cripple the planet, bad actors are taking the idea of weaponizing disease more seriously than they have for years.” This kind of narrative is deceptive for many reasons: the USG is either the main (or among the main) developer of bioweapons in the world, not random terrorist groups like ISIS (which the US funds anyway); and how does the MSM think this whole thing started anyway (all the evidence pointing to US as ground zero and US connections with Wuhan bioweapons labs)?


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