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Ordinarily, The American People Benefit From Viewing Presidential Records

By Charles Ortel

While the DOJ’s and FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago is suspect, and currently seems to be more about protecting the Deep State than about benefitting the American people, we shouldn’t forget that, under ordinary circumstances, the American people benefit from gaining access to presidential records.

Since 1992, America has gone from sole superpower to bumbling fool and stupid-power, even more so in the still unfolding horror show that scares most everyone thinking clearly about Biden-Harris priorities and policies. The downward trajectory of America is undeniable and likely involves grifters in both political parties.

Adjusted for rampant inflation, we are poorer, we are already drowning in debt, and we are less safe at home and abroad. Along the way, we also seem to have surrendered our “inalienable rights” and constitutionally protected freedoms to unaccountable, unelected, and arrogant bureaucrats…

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