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Orphanage Director Fights to Get 16 Children Released from Islamic Indoctrination


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Guest by post by Bob Unruh 


Already held for more than 4 years

Nigeria has established, over many years, a solid reputation for allowing its Islamic radicals to persecute Christians through kidnapping, assault, torture and murder.

A report not that long ago from Catholic News confirmed Islamist militants over the last decade or more have killed “at least 52,520 Nigerian Christians.”

The violence is carried out by the Boko Haram Islamist insurgency, which targets Christians and faces little pushback from the government there.

That report also noted that over the same time period, 18,000 churches were set on fire, and 2,200 Christian schools were burned.

Government officials and structures, including the courts, often are complicit, through the decisions they make regarding the violence, and now a new strategy is being uncovered: a campaign to take Christian children from orphanages and indoctrinate them into Islam.

The report comes from International Christian Concern.

It has just reported that 16 Christian children from Du Merci Orphanage were taken into government custody and have been ordered to remain there…


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