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Our Bodies are Biohacked Via Electronic Warfare! 2 Sabrina Wallace Videos (Aug. 2023, Feb. 2024 videos) & my summary, graphics, comments, and glossary of terms

By Eric Karlstrom


I. Sabrina Wallaceā€™s Introduction: My goal is folks comprehending at the level of their heart ā€¦ the tech feels like an avalanche but the reason I put it here is to embolden those who believe in God and their own common sense .. it (the human biofield) is a body part, not a new technology and if people knew that and understood it was a body part stolen 150 years ago for the purpose of harnessing all human brains to a hive mind ā€“ ppl would be pissed off that nobody told them wtf was going on at their jobs ..

They are sending electrical signals through our bodies at a high and rapid rate that is severely disruptive to our immune system because our bodies are electrical, bio chemical and cells require a certain voltage to properly divide, replenish and exchange electrical blueprints and cellular instructions.

The human biofield is a body part that was removed from common human knowledge about 150 years ago and formerly spoken of as the aura. Since I was born in 1979 people speak of the aura as if itā€™s foo foo and worthless when in reality it is 80% of our immune system and a massive component of our central nervous system and how our brain routes signals through our cerebral spinal fluid. Disallowing people to speak about a component of human anatomy seems ridicule worthy on the surface; until you watch someone be ā€˜remotedā€™ like Mitch McConnel on the tv the other day and recognize thatā€™s just another wireless ā€˜technologyā€™ like the wireless technology your phone uses to send text messages or email. Then hopefully you recognize that routing all that data through the body requires a bigger pipe because there are more people using the body for data than the cable modem; just like when people discovered they could download 5 emails instead of 1 waiting on the dial up they were so excited; after 150 years of being with held from their own electrical body part with natural telepathy etc, now they will be required to augment with graphene and other mrna human augmentation in order to ā€˜feelā€™ or be smart enough to have a job ..

itā€™s not a va_ _ i _e if it requires graphene; they demanded the obeiescence bc they are already augmented and anyone who does not willingly comply will eventually be hunted bc every man is already a sensor. I know itā€™s very difficult for folks bc of all the misdirection in the last 4 years as well. The shot is for the backbone of your WBAN and the spiked protein watches individual neurons for further ā€˜health careā€™ opportunities for your wban.

II. Epigraph Quotes:

Sabrina on Electronic Warfare Against Civilians:

1) The system is built for specific targeting and tortureā€¦. This ambush style warfare is the real war. They hunt biosensors (in peopleā€™s bodies); they hunt humans electronically. (The human biofield) is a body part. They took it away from people so that you couldnā€™t fight backā€¦.

(Sabrina/Psinergy PDF August 9, 2023

2) Death Panel Data Bases select for the: a) too old, b) unvaxed, c) undeliverable, d) ā€œunveiledā€ (those who know too much); those infected with the fungus (candida) include those who are: a) too fat, b) eating fast food, c) weak veins, d) low bone density. IRS data bases target: a) political opposition, b) people we donā€™t like type, c) groups of people.

3) You are their SIM (Subscriber Identification Module). Youā€™re a video game to them. Who are we talking about? Some demon? Some cabal? No, (itā€™s) your radio frequency engineers, your IT people, and all our young people wrapped up in thisā€¦ playing humans like video games- since the 80s.

(from:Ā Sabrina/Psinergy proof August 21, 2023)

4) When I got attacked by the bad NSA people, I found nano peer-to-peer (cyber security statistics) on three humans to every single human. Three bad guys, one good guy. Sounds like a ā€œblack hatā€ thing to me.

(from:Ā Sabrina/Psinergy)

5) Their biggest pleasure in life seems to be electrocuting old women, women in general, and raping people and getting away with it knowing that they donā€™t have any oversight.

(from:Ā Sabrina/Psinergy August 4, 2023)

6) What they do is they create eunuchs. Theyā€™ve got to get rid of the gonads so that youā€™ll do whatever they tell you to do.

(from:Ā Sabrina/Psinergy August 4, 2023)

7) Whoā€™s doing all this? Medical, Sheriff, Police, Lawfare, Main Military, Para-military, Black Projects Military, Geo-Spatial and Silicon Valley with NetCentric Warfare and Mosaic Warfare, with Cognitive Technology Threat Warning System (CT2WS) using a headset and an EEG to watch you through your veins and arteries anytime, anywhere in the world with Sensors Open System Architecture (SOSA) on the Global Information Grid (GIG). So if someone tells you that the aura isnā€™t real, just laugh at them and say: ā€œIt is to ISR (Information, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance), the biggest companies in the world, Boeing, Ratheon and the rest of them.

FromĀ Friday Morning Coffee Chatt and edumacation with Sabrina Wallace Psinergy September 22, 2023

From Dennis Teefy, C4ISR Magazine Sept. 14 (from this video):

8) The goal is to provide deep sensing intelligence collection of indicators, warnings, electronic order of, and battle PATTERNS OF LIFE FOR TARGET DEVELOPMENT.

ā€¦. The MDSS (Multi-Domain Sensing System) and HADES (High Accuracy Detection and Exploitation System) will be globally deployable and provide multi-faceted sensing capability at higher altitudes and longer ranges.

III. Webmasterā€™s Introduction:

The link to the above video, ā€œOur Bodies Are Bio-Hacked By Electronic Warfare,ā€ by Sabrina Wallace presents a great wealth of technical information about electronic warfare and the AI Precision Health Care System and other related topics that appears to explain at least a portion of the technology utilized in the TI program. In my opinion, the information Wallace provides in this video and on her channel regarding military, bio-medical engineering, and computer science technologies may provide theĀ best explanation of HOW ā€œthe TI programā€ operatesĀ that I have yet encountered. Her information is consistent with my research AND personal experience as a TI. This information also explains the horrifyingĀ (Bill Gatesā€™ Total Enslavement Patent) 060606 ā€“ Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data (& videos); Plus H.R. 666 (Anti-Racism in Public Health Act) & H.R. 6666 (COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act).

I recommend that after watchingĀ and studyingĀ this video, people check out her other videos on her channel here:Ā Sabrina Wallaceā€™s website/channel

Ms. Wallace has an IT (Information Technology) professional background and claims to be a natural-born telepath who was subjected to DARPA-military electronic torture and noninvasive N-2 experimentation since birth. In a different video, Wallace notes that ā€œmy family was involved in DNA steganography, DNA cryptography and cryptology for the NRO, the OSS, and all the way back to Fort Meade Station 1 (NSA).ā€ Perhaps this helps explain why the breadth and scope of her knowledge on the scientific aspects of these topics are so extraordinary. She claims she is a ā€œsurvivorā€ who ā€œcomes out of black projects,ā€ i.e., was used as a DARPA test subject…


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